Then we ventured to Rodney Jr.'s soccer game. He was not into it all! Poor kid didn't have a nap OR lunch! So, he just stood there with his arms crossed and waited for the game to be over! After the game, we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for lunch and, silly me, I ordered salt and pepper shrimp for the kids.... they came out with the heads still on them! YUCK! Rodney had to rip off the heads and cut up the shrimp for the kids because I would NOT touch them!
Then, we took the kids to the dog shelter up by Anderson Air Force base. We went to JUST LOOK!!! Of course, everything changed once we got there. We fell in love with one little puppy who was so fluffy and cute and we couldn't leave him there! Especially because a couple just bought his sister the same day! We don't have him here yet though because the shelter has a policy where, we have to make the appointment for him to get neutered, they take them there to make sure it gets done, then we get to pick him up from the vets. It kind of stinks doing it that way because we're going to get a sad puppy but, maybe he'll think that we saved him from the mean people! I always thought that a puppy had to be at least 6 months before they got fixed but, I guess Guam is different. This puppy is only 8 weeks old and he's about to go through the worst day of his life! Poor guy! I didn't take any pictures of him, I wish I had, but, I will post pics as soon as we bring him home!
On our way home from the shelter, we got a phone call to go to a bbq at one of the beaches with Tony and Jenny and a few of their friends. Of course, we had to come home to change into our bathing suits but... stupid me... I assumed that Rodney grabbed my car keys and visa versa so, we locked the car keys in the house! Great! Rodney found a way to break into the house, which really disturbs him now but, I have to say that I was relieved! Well, by the time we got to the bbq the sun was already setting. We didn't even eat, just sat around and talked for a little bit and then had to go because I was starting to get into a lot of PAIN! Yes, I burned myself from being out in the sun all day long and not putting an ounce of sun block on! I am red like a lobster and NOT happy about it at all!
So, today we decided to have our weekly bbq at the beach. (I dont know what I was thinking but, I just wanted the kids to be able to swim). I stayed in the shade most of the time but, I still felt like I had a heater on me the whole time! One point of the day I felt so tired and almost drunk (didn't drink an ounce of alcohol), and decided that maybe it was time to pack up and come home. So, Carl and Wolf came home with us and they are outside right now eating the rest of the food.
Here are a lot of pictures. There are so many good ones so make sure you check the Picasa album tomorrow.
Tatum tripped over the soccer ball
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