Saturday, March 15, 2008

Catching up....

Sorry its been so long since I've written anything. I've been spending all my computer time making my moms photography blog. Its done now though! YEY! Looks good too! Nothing much going on around here except for the usual. And no, Rodneys knee is NOT better yet! I feel so bad for him because it is preventing him from doing so much! The say its too swollen to examine it so now he's in a knee immobilizer for the next two weeks. Fun!
I took Rodney Jr to soccer practice on Wednesday and I though it would be simple since I just had Tatum with us.... NO! She is such a monster child! We got there early so I let her run around with Rodney and kick the ball. The poor girl wants to play soccer so bad! (and I think she would be better than Rodney Jr.! Is that mean to say?) But, when it was time for the real practice, she wouldn't sit and kept running off onto the field. And, this little girl does NOT listen to me! She does what she wants when she wants and she doesn't care about the consequences! (I hope this changes before she hits the teenage years!) So, I had to sit her down in my lap, cross my legs around her stomach and hug her sholders so that she couldn't move. Anytime I would let her go, she would take off again. (Thanks Rodney and dad, I'm sure she gets this from the two of you!!) So, we made it through soccer. I canceled a trip to the store after that because there was NO WAY I was taking her out of that car seat until we got home!
Yesterday I made a TON of lasagna thinking we would have a few people over. Well, it just ended up being Rodney's friend Tony and his wife Jenny so, I made a pan of it and took it down to another mom in the neighborhood. Its just her and her little two month old. Her husband is attatched to another ship that is not here on the island! Poor thing! I can't imagine being stuck here without Rodney! And they CHOSE to come here not knowing he would get sent away for almost the whole time! What a kick in the butt!

I didn't know this pic was blurry but, I'm leaving it on here anyways.

My monster child being silly

Tatum wants that ball!

Danica, Tony and Jennys baby girl. Isn't she so cute!

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