Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sideways Boredom

Today was a store day. We went to the NEX for a few things, had lunch in the foodcourt and then went to the grocery store. So, nothing new to report. But, this morning we were just having fun watching the kids be bored. They do the silliest things when they think no one is watching. Sorry this video is sideways, I thought maybe I would be able to turn it but, turns out I can't but, its still cute anyways thats why I decided to put it on here. Hope you dont have any problems seeing it. If you watch in the background when Rodney was helping Rodney Jr. with his pants, Rodney Jr. pulled up his pants without pulling up his underwear and Rodney felt this was comical. haha.

Tonight we have a few of Rodney's friends over. One of them made us dinner and it was very yummy. I've been eating some really good meals the last few days. My tummy is happy! :cP We have a lot of snacks to make for tomorrow for the super bowl. Even though it will be on here at 9am, we're eating like we're watching it with you guys at 6pm. I should have thrown a breakfast dish in there but.... eh, who needs it?

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