Saturday, April 26, 2008

One Down, Two to Go...

Well, today officially makes it one year since we've left the states. It feels like a long time coming with months of saying "It's almost a year, its almost a year". Now, it is here and two more to go. Here's our countdown...
This year, we get to look forward to my birthday, Rodney Jr.'s birthday, Rodney's birthday, Tatums birthday, a visit from Dad and Karen, a visit from mom, Tristan's birthday,(our halfway mark), a visit from Rodney's mom and dad, and then Thanksgiving and Christmas. That brings us back to the beginning of another year and, hopefully, in June of '09 we can start looking at orders for our next duty station. It is bittersweet to hope for the next two years to go by fast. While I want so badly to be back in the states ASAP... I don't want my babies to grow up. Here are some 'then and now' photos of the kids a year ago, and the kids now.

Me three months pregnant with Tristan... and, Tristan now...

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