Monday, June 15, 2009

Trip to Pittsburgh Children's Museum

Today I decided to be brave and take all three kids to the Pittsburgh Children's Museum... all by myself! First of all, for those of you who aren't aware, driving in a city, alone, makes me VERY nervous and sick to my stomach so normally, I don't do it. BUT, I made it there with no nerves, no tummy aches, no getting lost. (Thank you GPS). I even got stuck in traffic because there was a Pirates game today but, even that didn't get me wound up.
Aside from Rodney being there with us, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. The kids were WONDERFUL! My kids are NEVER wonderful! No tears, no yelling, no bad attitudes, only really stinky diapers and one vomit filled trash can at the end. God was definatley with me today and I thank him for that tremendously! I went a little overboard with the pics so, I'll leave most of the post to comments.

Bob the Builder was the special feature of the day

Silly Tatum

Rodney trying to make a whirl pool at the water play station.

This exhibit was especially nice because we like to say we are 'mutual friends' of Mr. Rogers. haha. The kid's Great Grandma Hanson grew up in Latrobe and went to school and was friends with Mr. Rodgers.
Mr. Roger's Neighborhood Trolley

Rodney with Mr. Rogers

Ok, I lied, here are a little bit of tears from Tristan but they didn't last long.

I want to put one of these in the kid's bedrooms. They could have stayed in there all day!

Tatum was happy she made it out.

Wait a minute.. I thought we left Guam....

I'm not sure what they were listening to..

Possibly Tatum's first car

She did pretty good pumping gas aside from not opening the gas cap.

Rodney and Bob the Builder

I love this picture of Tatum and Tristan

Tatum had a blast painting but we had to cut it short due to Rodney Jr. puking in the garbage can right beside her. I didn't even get to bring home her painting. :c(

There were a ton of streamers hanging from the ceiling. I thought it looked really cool. I would not have wanted to be the person who put them there..

Thinking of Daddy... Heinz Field

The cause of the traffic... PNC Park.

(and just to note.. yes, I did get lost on the way home. Not really lost but, gotta love the Fort Pitt Bridge, get on from the far right and you need to get in the far left lane to get in the tunnels... didn't make it. Still not a bad trip driving in Pittsburgh. Thanks Children's Museum for entertaining my little monsters!)


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