Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fun in the Sun

On Friday I decided to hook up the water toys and take the kids outside for some fun in the sun. I didn't think that Tristan would like it as much as he did but he kicked and splashed and giggled the whole time. I didn't put any sunscreen on him since I didn't think he would last long but, 20 minutes later I decided to pull him out of the sun so that he didn't get burned. It was hard for me to take pictures because water was going everywhere and if I stepped in the wrong spot my camera was going to get drenched!
I was hoping to get them to the beach today to take some good pics but its dark and rainy and I even hear thunder. (We don't get to hear thunder much here. I think maybe I've heard it about 4 times since we've been here.) I guess it's the start of the rainy season because it's been raining a lot more. We're starting to get the ants really bad again. They come in our air vents in the upstairs bathroom when it rains. Great! They've been stripping all the roofs on the units and I guess repainting them so, I'm hoping when they get to ours it gets rid of some of the ants up there. I feel bombarded with ants. And, if anyone has any advice on getting rid of cabinet bugs that would be great! I have everything in big Tupperware containers but they still managed to get into our white rice. (This made me very mad because we have become quite the rice eating family.)
We're all doing good. Tatum is still refusing to go potty on the potty. Despite my bribery of panties, she'll put them on and then 20 minutes later, she'll soil them. Rodney Jr. has started to tell Rodney that "He is the best cook ever!". Of course, this pleases Rodney to no end because he's very proud of his cooking skills! Rodney's knee is still as big as a balloon! Everyone tells him that he shouldn't have swelling that bad anymore but, there's nothing he can do about it. He's off of his leg as much as possible and still, it doesn't help. He'll see the dr again on July 3 but meanwhile, the physical therapy seems to be going fine. He's anxious about getting back to the boat and getting his job back and he's heartbroken that he won't be back in time to go to Hong Kong. Poor guy has only been able to go to Saipan since he's been here. (Saipan is another Guam). I myself have been watching what I've been eating all week and instead of losing some weight, I've gained 7 pounds!! I haven't been going to the gym because of car purposes (Rodney is using mine for now), but, still, I would think watching what I ate would not make me GAIN weight! I have a dr appointment on the 25th to check on bloodwork and to get anymore ideas of why I may not be feeling great, maybe she'll give me some input on losing some weight. Oh how I wish I could afford to be on Jenny Craig! YUM! :c)
Enjoy the pics!!

Doesn't Tristan look so cute in his little speedo??
This is fun mom!!
Rodney and Tatum getting in on the action.
They had to wear their water shoes because our grass hurts to walk on!
Just a picture of Tatum in her Steelers hat.

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