Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Busy Saturday Morning

We had a busy morning today. I woke up with the kids at 7am and Rodney came down soon after me. We fed the kids breakfast, Rodney fed me a weight loss pill, and then we headed over to the parking lot across the street to try out Rodney Jr's new big boy bike. He didn't do too well. He couldn't get the concept of pedaling forwards instead of backwards. So, we took the bike and the quad back to the house and brought over the scooter and tricycle and then let them play on the playground for awhile. We lasted about 2 hours at the park and then headed home in the rain. We stopped at a garage sale that Rodney's friend was having and chatted for a while until the rain stopped.
We headed back to the house, got the kids in bed for their naps, and then Rodney sent me out to the store to get some ingredients for tomorrow nights dinner. On the way, the people having the garage sale put out a few more things that caught my eye. I asked them to put aside a walker for me and then I headed out to get some cash. By this point, I was wired from the weight loss pill and it kept running through my mind that I should have asked them to put aside a bouncy thing along with the walker. I rushed back only to find that they put the bouncy thing on hold for someone else for only $5!!! I was so upset over this thing it was crazy. I blame it on the pill! I went to the store and an hour later got back to find the bouncy thing still sitting there. I pulled in their driveway and begged them to sell it to me for $10. They agreed so I left my car in the driveway, picked up the toy and high tailed it to my garage. (I came back for the car later). In all my excitement, I pulled in to the driveway, grabbed my groceries and started to head up my stairs, only, they weren't my stairs!! I pulled in to the wrong house! A woman that I know from one of my groups saw me and couldn't help but laugh. She promised that she wasn't going to tell anyone what I did but, here I am, telling on myself! I put the groceries back in the car and headed to the RIGHT driveway and noticed that the people who wanted the bouncy thing were back to pick it up. I RAN into the house and closed the door, started to tell Rodney what happened and seconds later, there was a knock at the door. I was sure it was the lady wanting her toy back so I was too scared to open it. It was only Rodney's friend coming to tease me about 'stealing' it. It was all worth the hustle and bustle because Tristan had fun in it for about an hour!

This is the first time in the swing for Tristan.

Rodney Jr.'s new shoes. I had to buy closed toe shoes so he could go to daycare ONE time!

All tired out.

Rodney getting in on the fun.

Tatum was all tired out and wet from the rain.
Rodney Jr. wanted to take a nap while we waited out the rain.
Tristan's new bouncy thing. (Yes, we have this same toy back in the states but it would have cost a LOT more than $10 to send it here!!)
Yes, you are looking at ants on my bathroom wall....
They started to come out of our fan in the bathrooms upstairs and no matter how many I killed, they just kept on coming out. So, we called the 'ant guy' to come and get rid of them. He put bait on the wall which drew them all out. (What you're seeing now). At night, we watched them all go into the fan together. I guess they have a bedtime too! We haven't seen any since. (YEY 'ANT GUY!!' THANK YOU!!!)

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