Friday, June 13, 2008

Driving the Truck

Tonight Rodney went to see the Incredible Hulk with his friends and then go to a going away party. So, I decided to give the kids a quick dinner.. (hot dogs), and then take them out to drive the monster truck before their bath. Rodney Jr. is so funny because no matter how many times he drives that truck, he's such a sissy when he first gets in it. I know, that's probably mean of me to say since I'm his mom but, he really is! He gets so nervous to push the petal so it's just multiple moments of stopping and going and forget about turning the wheel! So, getting across the street safely with crazy Finn in one hand and pushing the stroller in the other hand, was not an easy feat. But, once we got into the parking lot and he got the nervousness out of him he screamed with such delight, "THIS IS FUN!!!" So, they enjoyed themselves for about 45 minutes, driving in a circle and 'watching out for the van'. haha.
Nothing else has been going on recently. I haven't seen any of my friends since Rodney Jr.'s party because I don't have much time to do anything since I'm driving Rodney around to all his dr's appointments and now to work again. But, I'm enjoying what time I have left with Rodney being around all the time. (and getting the house cleaned!) :c)
Such a pretty girl!
Tristans adorable grin

Baby Boy
Having fun!
This is the greatest! Rodney has such a devious look on his face and Tatum looks scared to death!

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