Saturday, January 3, 2009

Guam's Syncro Dive Team

The guys took another trip to one of the waterfalls this week. I THINK this one is Waterfall Valley. I myself will never do this because, even though it looks romantic and exotic, after you add in the mosquitoes, the sword grass, and the banana spiders, it is more like a small hell than an oasis. But, it's something they enjoy doing quite often and I'm fine just looking at the pictures.
They took Jonathan's camera and for some reason, every time I upload pics from his camera, they turn out sideways. It takes too long to upload for me to delete them and try again so, sorry.
We welcomed a new guy to the island this week. His name is Jack. He knew Wolf already and I have been talking to his wife on Myspace for a few months now trying to help her out with any of the questions she may have about the move. Jack fits right in with the crew and to be honest, it feels like he's always been here. Which, is probably how it will feel when I finally get to meet his wife Amanda when she gets here after she graduates college. (Wow, was that a run-on sentence??) haha.
Rodney and Wolf practiced their swan dive a few times before Jonathan was able to capture it on camera.
Tim jumping off the falls
Taking a swim

Jack jumping

Jon jumping

Rodney and Wolf diving

Climbing back up

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